Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SCRUM - Endlessly Growing Product Backlog


Often when we have run our SCRUM over a period of time (a year or two), we noticed the product backlog gets expanded at an increasing velocity. Up from some 1 or 2 new user stories introduced to several tens of new user stories introduced within a sprint. Is this a good indication or worries that one should look into?

User stories within product backlog indicates some missing business features or value that one must look into and plan out properly to ensure the business satisfaction. This usually has to be inline with the product roadmap and how we want to grow the product over the time. This roadmap can be changed as time comes, to ensure it meets the current and near future (not too far in the future) business needs. Remember that phrase we talked about, Just in time", "Just enough" and "Just because"!!!

Why It Happens

  • Everyone raises a user story they "think" it is value added.
  • No clear inidcation of product roadmap telling where we want to be within a fixed schedule.
  • No planned out of fixed schedules.
  • Overloaded with too many technical driven user stories

How to Turn It Around

  1. Who can raise user stories?
  2. We must ensure and limits the people with ability to raise a user story to those who posses business interests. We are dealing with delivering genuine business values that benefits the business users, not architects, developers, consultants.
  3. Where we want to be at a bird's eye view?
  4. There must be a fixed schedule and a fixed cost. I'm not talking about short term plan like a sprint or a release, but a very high-level objective that we want to achieve to fulfil the business after several releases. This is a directive measure, a pool of resources as part of the costs and how are we planned to spend these costs to achieve our business direction or intends (roadmap). Important to note here, I'm not suggesting a fixed or permanent roadmap that cannot be altered, rather a roadmap for everyone to follow if nothing is suggesting a change needs. If there is a change, we prioritized some and deprioritized some in and out of the roadmap. If it is too far in future, we may opt to drop that from the product backlog if it is not at all important or its value depreciated over the time. Why waste effort of tracing some potentially not needed features if it is not at all fullfilling the business now and near future. Remember, Just in time", "Just enough" and "Just because"!!!
  5. Where we want to be at a bird's eye view with a minimal lookahead?
  6. Just like what we have discussed above but we need to know the pipeline of the fixed schedules. However, lookahead lightly and at a higher level of abstract then the current fixed schedule.
  7. Should we raise technical user stories?
  8. We can get endless of technical driven user stories, especially true for the sake of perfection. Not saying we cannot have a task nailing down some technical or architecture aspects, but it all must be driven by the business value. Example, I need to have an Online Store that serves all my customers and I have 20 thousand customers with my company loyalty card membership. This suggests the needs to load balance the Web Application and there is a need of scaling out. We may need a proper cache (distributed) or if we have a highly clustered database farms that is durable, reliable and efficient. However, we are not creating it as a primary citizen in the product backlog. This at best is a supporting (dependent) user story to fullfil the first user story above it. Whenever the business value gets deprioritized, all its supporting user story goes the same direction, unless you have no better things to do.

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